From Denny: BP's CEO Tony Hayward and all of Britain is deliriously happy that General McChrystal's idiot two-month long interview with The Rolling Stone Magazine got them off the front pages of the news - for now. Leave it to Hayward to do and say something else as heartless and insensitive as last week. Give him time; he will do it again - and again. The guy can't help himself as his ego is that bloated with self-importance and arrogance.
He's the one giving Britain a bad name. Not even the quality people like former First Lady Cherie Blair, of The Loomba Foundation, can be in the news enough to counter the bad taste in the mouth for Americans on the Gulf Coast of Britain's rush to take care of themselves first and always.
By the way, Cherie Blair's foundation is concerned about the plight of young widows with children all over the world, numbering in the millions. See this post at The Healing Waters blog: Exploding Number of Young Widows in the World This Brit is a class act. She exemplifies what is the best from the United Kingdom juxtaposed to Hayward's worst example of low character depravity.
Back to politicians and leaders embarrassing themselves in the news... The latest insult is to claim that Afghanistan has over $1 trillion in unmined mineral deposits just to justify to war weary regular Americans to stay in the war longer. Remember that same Pentagon argument for the Iraq War? They promised the oil fields of Iraq would defray the cost and even completely pay for the Iraq War if only America would invade Iraq.
Now, years later, at the cost of $9 billion a month we are still bleeding money from the national treasury and spilling the blood of our soldiers in this stupid war. Now the Pentagon and Big Business came up with another lunatic ad promotion to sell the public on staying in Afghanistan because we will all get rich as we send our Big Business mine owners over there to mine for America. Is there truly anyone left in America stupid and gullible enough to believe these stink-to-High-Heaven lies?
See Cartoons by Cartoon by Patrick Chappatte - Courtesy of Politicalcartoons.com - Email this Cartoon
See Cartoons by Cartoon by David Fitzsimmons - Courtesy of Politicalcartoons.com - Email this Cartoon
See Cartoons by Cartoon by David Fitzsimmons - Courtesy of Politicalcartoons.com - Email this Cartoon
See Cartoons by Cartoon by David Fitzsimmons - Courtesy of Politicalcartoons.com - Email this Cartoon
The BP Oil Spill has taught us all over the world it's time to get serious about moving into alternative cleaner energy and away from fossil fuels. It's also time for every person on this planet to scream and protest all their leaders until their governments take up the charge into the future.
And the biggest loser this week? America's unemployed because the Greed Over Principle Republicans spit on every unemployed American desperate to put a roof over their heads and put food on the table. There should be a wall of shame publicly displayed of all the unpatriotic Americans who voted not to extend unemployment benefits to fellow Americans in need.
*** See Also more cartoons of the day: Dark Humor: BP Oil Spill Cartoons - 26 June 2010
*** See Also more cartoons of the day: Funny General McChrystal Cartoons - 26 June 2010
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