North Korea bombs its neighbor to get the attention of a weary, and increasingly indifferent, world.
Heir to North Korea Kim Jong un - AP photo
From Denny: This week North Korea shelled a small island, Yeonpyeong Island, off South Korea for three hours. After the relentless and merciless shelling, the islanders evacuated. This weekend, North Korea shelled the island yet again - only this time there were no people left to harm.
Normally, South Korea takes the temper tantrums of "the crazy uncle from the North" in stride, not reacting. But there is a game changer these days, a new sheriff in town: the crazy out-of-control son has taken over the helm of the crazy uncle.
The heir to the Starvation Throne, Kim Jong un, is also now a four-star general since his father installed him a year ago. He oversees a million man army. He also has his itchy fingers on the buttons of an arsenal that is the most concentrated into one small geographical area on the planet.
Since 1953, when the peace accord was signed to end the Korean War on that peninsula, America has had 38,000 troops on the border between divided North and South Korea. We currently have about 30,000 troops there. North Korea has starved under a Communist regime and built up a huge arsenal, developed nuclear weapons and has sold nuclear material to other crazy rogue states like Iran.
South Korea, during the almost 60 years of peace, has made better use of their resources and time. They are a thriving democracy and healthy world economy, selling Kia and Hyundai cars around the world. They also have now finally built up a million man army. South Korea has grown weary of American troops rumbling our tanks through their villages for generations. They want us out of South Korea as they now believe they can handle the crazy uncle to the North on their own. They are right. Let them handle the crazy uncle and the crazy son.
Communist China has a stake in all this. They possess a three million man army they built up - thanks to trade with America. Yes, they used their profits to build weapons and a military to both protect China and advance on neighboring countries. Sounds like a world power to me. Why should America be surprised they used our consumerism greed money to do it?
China has a vested interest in North and South Korea not unifying back into one country. After all, with the fall of traditional communism in the old Russia, who is left to carry the banner forward but China, Cuba and North Korea? Both North Korea and Cuba are faltering on that front. Dictatorships are dependent upon their charismatic leaders. Once the leader dies, so does that vision of the country and the system in place deteriorates - later to resurrect as something else by someone else.
Right now South Korea is making all the appropriate noises of anger and posturing. They also look like they will do little to nothing though they have the capacity. Over the decades they have become co-dependent upon America for direction and protection. For some reason, President Obama thought he should revert to a 60 year old mindset and send over some gunboat diplomacy. Like one American warship will scare a young nuclear power? Come on.
What is going on with North Korea? Several things. They are still starving. Anyone see the news clips in the past few months of a North Korean army marching in the square? The soldiers marched forcefully and proudly. They problem was that to any casual observer their uniforms were practically hanging off them like an emaciated runway model. Usually, in regimes like this, it's the military who are well fed. If the military looks to be starving we can only imagine the horrors going on in the cities and the countryside.
North Korea's young son, Kim Jong un, now a four-star general, is testing his power to bring the world to his doorstep to negotiate. North Korea has always done dangerous temper tantrums - or threats to do so - to get the world to give them free food and wads of cash to keep their regime afloat. This time, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said a definite no to their temper tantrum of late - no more freebies.
One main reason for the bombing of those hapless islanders is to create more unity among North Koreans by increasing North-South tensions. It's a considered opinion among think tanks that to do so will help promote the new heir as a strong military leader, therefore inspiring loyalty to him. The strategy is considered useful to pave the way for North Koreans to accept the new - inexperienced and untested - heir to power, Kim Jung un.
One of the most immediate needs as North Korea sees it is to pressure America and other countries back to the negotiating table, those six-party talks. Those talks have been stalled since April 2009 when it was North Korea that threw another of their famous temper tantrums and walked away from the negotiating table. They were in a snit when there was world condemnation for the test-firing of their rocket.
Right now the reason for the current temper tantrum is that North Korea wants assurances that America won't attack. They desire a permanent security guarantee of safety. So, they go around attacking their vulnerable easy-prey neighbors in order to make the world feel it's a good idea to give them a security guarantee? Talk about warped thinking. They want others to honor their word yet North Korea breaks their word constantly. It's time for the world to quit taking these Bozos seriously.
And, it's about time America quit placating these destructive fools. It's also past due time we withdraw American troops from the Korean peninsula. Let China handle the temper tantrums in their back yard. Let South Korea negotiate with North Korea. It's time for America to withdraw and quit playing the world's policeman with deep pockets. The American people are weary of financing these dictatorships and their stupid games.
As it is, it's smarter to wait them out with sanctions. They can't starve forever. Sooner or later there will be a coup to take over the country. As it is, when the crazy uncle to the North dies there will be a military coup to kill the sons - especially the young and inexperienced novice: Kim Jong un, who is only 27 years old. The question then is whether South Korea will grow the courage to advance and reunify the North. "If you will feed them, they will come."
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Intelligent politics for savvy people: Common sense view of world politics and news. Roundup of best stories. News analysis and news opinion unfettered by media mogul ownership or agendas - and some funny political humor. - Denny Lyon
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
North Korea Throws Dangerous Temper Tantrum: Why?
Labels: world-news, news, US, politics, funny
Saturday, November 27, 2010
American and World Politics Cartoons - 27 Nov 2010
Lots to lampoon this week for cartoonists as they poke fun at crazy North Korea, the buffoon of the world.
From Denny: Dark humor seems to be spreading around the world as everyone watches their own economies erode and slowly implode. To add to the Blow It All Up mindset along comes North Korea this week and they bomb the hell out of some hapless islanders off the coast of South Korea. "We want attention and we want it NOW!" screams North Korea to the world. Oh, please. What a bunch of Bozos.
Why does anyone give these guys money or food? Of course, North Korea does have the largest concentration of weapons in one small geographical location on the planet. What a sweet thought: As these Bozos fire off a missile, nuke or not, chances are high they have not properly maintained said accumulated weaponry and the end result is they blow up their own country.
Another scenario is they could end up sinking the whole island - along with South Korea as they blow up their entire arsenal. There would be a giant black hole created off China. Of course, China might figure out a way to make a profit off it as a tourist attraction.
Will someone please pay me to think up outrageous yet probable scenarios? What a gig. Oh, that's right, that job is already taken by the Pentagon and the CIA. No room for competition, ol' boys network? :)
The political fringe Tea Party continues to amaze and amuse us. Who knows? Maybe they will prove to end Washington gridlock and get the Republicans to implode? Karl Rove is already apoplectic since he can't control or strong arm the Tea Party. This should be prove to entertaining political drama for the next two years. At the rate this economy is going it may be the only channel any of us can afford to watch.
Our greatest amusement of all is what the media is trying to set up as the match-up between Republican Palin and Democrat Obama for the 2012 election. The sad thing is that the Democrats and the donors are already in the process to push Obama aside as his poll numbers drop like a rock. Palin is a screwball political pretender who is all about collecting as much money as she can stuff into her bank account. It's the American way, right?
The real match-up will be between someone like Romney and a Democratic primary challenger yet to be named. Obama won't get the nomination for 2012. Sad, isn't it? Obama held a lot of promise but his presidency is done. Like President Jimmy Carter Obama doesn't listen to or cooperate with his Democratic Party either. That's what got Carter tossed aside for a second term. Carter is still shunned by Democrats. It looks like that will be Obama's fate as well since he has stiff-armed his own party faithful and they have finally had enough.
And on the terrorism front: More amusement comes from the TSA corner as they continue to grope America for their anti-terrorism jollies.
World Politics:

Tea Party politics:

Democrats blowing their chances to win The South to their column - especially the mess Team Obama created with the BP Oil Spill disaster - taking the side of BP was bonehead stupid is as stupid does:

Republicans who want to blow up the world:

While former Speaker of the House Tom DeLay was finally found guilty of a few of his many crimes. The punishment has still not been handed down. He could get life in prison or probation and no time behind bars. Talk about a wide range of possibilities. He enjoyed styling himself as the Harsh Hammer of the Republican Party yet now he whines about how hard life has been for him. He was hateful beyond measure and now wonders why it came back to haunt him?

And from "our friends" over at the TSA:

Watch out for the holiday eating:

Now that Thanksgiving is done, let the holiday shopping begin! Charge!!!

Some happy news from the land of England:

*** Check out some more humor:
Friday Lite: Best Of Funny TSA Cartoons - 26 Nov 2010 - Check out what America is thinking about those TSA Pat Downs supposedly guarding us against terrorism.
Funny Thanksgiving Presidential Pardon 4 Turkeys Apple and Cider - Check out some funny trivia about presidential turkey pardons.
Funny Thanksgiving Quotes, Video, Cartoons and Food Posts - Enjoy some Thanksgiving humor along with more delectable recipes to make your mouth water waiting for the next holiday.
Monday Lite: Late Night Jokes, Thanksgiving and TSA Cartoons - 22 Nov 2010 - Check out the late night sarcasm about the TSA Pat Downs, Thanksgiving turkeys of the political kind like the Palin pride and Bush Who?
American and World Politics Humor - 20 Nov 2010 - Check out the national mind and the national conversation about politics and American culture this week from our favorite cartoonists.
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
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Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
From Denny: Dark humor seems to be spreading around the world as everyone watches their own economies erode and slowly implode. To add to the Blow It All Up mindset along comes North Korea this week and they bomb the hell out of some hapless islanders off the coast of South Korea. "We want attention and we want it NOW!" screams North Korea to the world. Oh, please. What a bunch of Bozos.
Why does anyone give these guys money or food? Of course, North Korea does have the largest concentration of weapons in one small geographical location on the planet. What a sweet thought: As these Bozos fire off a missile, nuke or not, chances are high they have not properly maintained said accumulated weaponry and the end result is they blow up their own country.
Another scenario is they could end up sinking the whole island - along with South Korea as they blow up their entire arsenal. There would be a giant black hole created off China. Of course, China might figure out a way to make a profit off it as a tourist attraction.
Will someone please pay me to think up outrageous yet probable scenarios? What a gig. Oh, that's right, that job is already taken by the Pentagon and the CIA. No room for competition, ol' boys network? :)
The political fringe Tea Party continues to amaze and amuse us. Who knows? Maybe they will prove to end Washington gridlock and get the Republicans to implode? Karl Rove is already apoplectic since he can't control or strong arm the Tea Party. This should be prove to entertaining political drama for the next two years. At the rate this economy is going it may be the only channel any of us can afford to watch.
Our greatest amusement of all is what the media is trying to set up as the match-up between Republican Palin and Democrat Obama for the 2012 election. The sad thing is that the Democrats and the donors are already in the process to push Obama aside as his poll numbers drop like a rock. Palin is a screwball political pretender who is all about collecting as much money as she can stuff into her bank account. It's the American way, right?
The real match-up will be between someone like Romney and a Democratic primary challenger yet to be named. Obama won't get the nomination for 2012. Sad, isn't it? Obama held a lot of promise but his presidency is done. Like President Jimmy Carter Obama doesn't listen to or cooperate with his Democratic Party either. That's what got Carter tossed aside for a second term. Carter is still shunned by Democrats. It looks like that will be Obama's fate as well since he has stiff-armed his own party faithful and they have finally had enough.
And on the terrorism front: More amusement comes from the TSA corner as they continue to grope America for their anti-terrorism jollies.
World Politics:
Tea Party politics:
Democrats blowing their chances to win The South to their column - especially the mess Team Obama created with the BP Oil Spill disaster - taking the side of BP was bonehead stupid is as stupid does:
Republicans who want to blow up the world:
While former Speaker of the House Tom DeLay was finally found guilty of a few of his many crimes. The punishment has still not been handed down. He could get life in prison or probation and no time behind bars. Talk about a wide range of possibilities. He enjoyed styling himself as the Harsh Hammer of the Republican Party yet now he whines about how hard life has been for him. He was hateful beyond measure and now wonders why it came back to haunt him?
And from "our friends" over at the TSA:
Watch out for the holiday eating:
Now that Thanksgiving is done, let the holiday shopping begin! Charge!!!
Some happy news from the land of England:
*** Check out some more humor:
Friday Lite: Best Of Funny TSA Cartoons - 26 Nov 2010 - Check out what America is thinking about those TSA Pat Downs supposedly guarding us against terrorism.
Funny Thanksgiving Presidential Pardon 4 Turkeys Apple and Cider - Check out some funny trivia about presidential turkey pardons.
Funny Thanksgiving Quotes, Video, Cartoons and Food Posts - Enjoy some Thanksgiving humor along with more delectable recipes to make your mouth water waiting for the next holiday.
Monday Lite: Late Night Jokes, Thanksgiving and TSA Cartoons - 22 Nov 2010 - Check out the late night sarcasm about the TSA Pat Downs, Thanksgiving turkeys of the political kind like the Palin pride and Bush Who?
American and World Politics Humor - 20 Nov 2010 - Check out the national mind and the national conversation about politics and American culture this week from our favorite cartoonists.
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
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Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts - my own best as well as links to other spiritual posts from all viewpoints
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
Labels: world-news, news, US, politics, funny
news- us-news,
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Funny Thanksgiving Presidential Pardon 4 Turkeys Apple and Cider
Check out some funny trivia about presidential turkey pardons.
From Denny: It's the American tradition every Thanksgiving to pardon a turkey - and now his understudy too. Can you imagine being a turkey understudy - wondering if you were going to get the axe for the dinner table?
President Obama petted Apple on the back of the neck and the bird clucked contentedly like he realized he was pardoned. As Obama walked away from Apple he told the turkey, "All right, have a good life, man."
Said President Obama at the pardoning ceremony, "Now, for the record, let me say that it feels pretty good to stop at least one shellacking this November." He was referencing the Democratic Party beating in the November 2010 midterm elections. The country raged against the incumbents, throwing them out whether they had done a good job or not - because of their anger against Obama for doing so little to get America back to work through innovative and bold measures.
The Obama administration has barely dipped their toes in the water when it comes to a committment to the economy and creating jobs by the millions. This administration is known for being every bit as political as the former Bush administration that also did little for the majority of Americans. Both White Houses spent far too much time "spinning" and marketing the truth rather than the hard work of governing the country.
While Obama pardons this year's Thanksgiving turkeys the polls are saying the public - and especially his own party - will not pardon him or reelect him to a second term.
How were these turkeys selected to be pardoned? It's a competition of the turkeys appearing before judges to "strut their stuff." Talk about a competition where the stakes are really high - you get to live if you win.
This year's turkeys are named Apple and Cider and they sure breathed a sigh of relief after receiving their pardon. These 21 week old birds are some seriously big birds, weighing in at 45 pounds each. They hail from near Modesto, California, but will retire to the former President George Washington's estate, Mount Vernon, in Virginia.
If you and your family are in the mood to make the Turkey Pilgrimage to Mount Vernon, Apple and Cider will be glad to visit with you until January 6th. Then they retire from the public and begin their blessed retirement.
Some of Apple and Cider's predecessors got to be grand marshals in a Disneyland Thanksgiving parade. What a gig for a couple of funny birds. No comment from Disneyland why Apple and Cider were dissed for this year's parade.
The Turkey Presentation dates back to President Harry Truman - only he didn't pardon the poor birds - he ate them - and so did President Eisenhower and President Johnson.
By 1963, it was President John Kennedy who, upon being presented with a live bird with a sign hanging around his neck "Good Eatin' Mr. President," said, "Let's just keep him." When you have young kids you just know they were saying things in his ear like, "You don't eat your friends."
Actually, the formal pardoning tradition is supposed to have begun with President George Bush 41 back in 1989 as he was the first President to have tied the word "pardon" to the turkey presentation ceremony. "He will not end up on anyone’s dinner table – not this guy," said Mr. Bush.
Apparently, being seen side by side on the dais with a bird brain that possesses the IQ of a bar of soap is not a President's favorite gig. The word is that President Nixon thought it so undignified that he avoided the ceremony altogether. President Carter sure didn't want to be caught dead next to a turkey so he handed off the "honor" to First Lady Roslynn or Vice President Mondale. I guess he didn't mind his wife or VP looking ridiculous.
A couple of funny situations is when President Reagan was pardoning his turkey and the turkey got stage fright, flapped his wings nervously and ran away from the Presidnet making a glug glug sound. Reagan just laughed, finding it all amusing.
President George Bush 43 pardoned a turkey one year and the animal pecked at his crotch. And yes, a photographer caught that special moment between bird and President. Now there's a snapshot for the family photo album.
From Denny: It's the American tradition every Thanksgiving to pardon a turkey - and now his understudy too. Can you imagine being a turkey understudy - wondering if you were going to get the axe for the dinner table?
President Obama petted Apple on the back of the neck and the bird clucked contentedly like he realized he was pardoned. As Obama walked away from Apple he told the turkey, "All right, have a good life, man."
Said President Obama at the pardoning ceremony, "Now, for the record, let me say that it feels pretty good to stop at least one shellacking this November." He was referencing the Democratic Party beating in the November 2010 midterm elections. The country raged against the incumbents, throwing them out whether they had done a good job or not - because of their anger against Obama for doing so little to get America back to work through innovative and bold measures.
The Obama administration has barely dipped their toes in the water when it comes to a committment to the economy and creating jobs by the millions. This administration is known for being every bit as political as the former Bush administration that also did little for the majority of Americans. Both White Houses spent far too much time "spinning" and marketing the truth rather than the hard work of governing the country.
While Obama pardons this year's Thanksgiving turkeys the polls are saying the public - and especially his own party - will not pardon him or reelect him to a second term.
How were these turkeys selected to be pardoned? It's a competition of the turkeys appearing before judges to "strut their stuff." Talk about a competition where the stakes are really high - you get to live if you win.
This year's turkeys are named Apple and Cider and they sure breathed a sigh of relief after receiving their pardon. These 21 week old birds are some seriously big birds, weighing in at 45 pounds each. They hail from near Modesto, California, but will retire to the former President George Washington's estate, Mount Vernon, in Virginia.
If you and your family are in the mood to make the Turkey Pilgrimage to Mount Vernon, Apple and Cider will be glad to visit with you until January 6th. Then they retire from the public and begin their blessed retirement.
Some of Apple and Cider's predecessors got to be grand marshals in a Disneyland Thanksgiving parade. What a gig for a couple of funny birds. No comment from Disneyland why Apple and Cider were dissed for this year's parade.
The Turkey Presentation dates back to President Harry Truman - only he didn't pardon the poor birds - he ate them - and so did President Eisenhower and President Johnson.
By 1963, it was President John Kennedy who, upon being presented with a live bird with a sign hanging around his neck "Good Eatin' Mr. President," said, "Let's just keep him." When you have young kids you just know they were saying things in his ear like, "You don't eat your friends."
Actually, the formal pardoning tradition is supposed to have begun with President George Bush 41 back in 1989 as he was the first President to have tied the word "pardon" to the turkey presentation ceremony. "He will not end up on anyone’s dinner table – not this guy," said Mr. Bush.
Apparently, being seen side by side on the dais with a bird brain that possesses the IQ of a bar of soap is not a President's favorite gig. The word is that President Nixon thought it so undignified that he avoided the ceremony altogether. President Carter sure didn't want to be caught dead next to a turkey so he handed off the "honor" to First Lady Roslynn or Vice President Mondale. I guess he didn't mind his wife or VP looking ridiculous.
A couple of funny situations is when President Reagan was pardoning his turkey and the turkey got stage fright, flapped his wings nervously and ran away from the Presidnet making a glug glug sound. Reagan just laughed, finding it all amusing.
President George Bush 43 pardoned a turkey one year and the animal pecked at his crotch. And yes, a photographer caught that special moment between bird and President. Now there's a snapshot for the family photo album.
Labels: world-news, news, US, politics, funny
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Funny Thanksgiving Quotes, Video, Cartoons and Food Posts
Enjoy some Thanksgiving humor along with more delectable recipes to make your mouth water waiting for the next holiday.
From Denny: Funny Thanksgiving quotes, a funny Thanksgiving dance video, funny Thanksgiving cartoons, an hilarious post featuring fighting turkeys with captions, another funny post about the infamous Gluttony Pants now in holiday fashion - and lots of great food. What more could you ask for after a great meal while cruising the web? Uh... maybe a waist extender for my pants? Oh, yeah... but the food was soooo good! :)
And a few serious gratitude posts to round out the season...
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone, and hope you enjoy your holiday!
Funny posts:
Funny Holiday Fashion: Gluttony Pants - Get the latest holiday clothing to ensure comfortable holiday feasting.
21 Funny Thanksgiving Fighting Turkey Photos
Funny Thanksgiving Presidential Pardon 4 Turkeys Apple and Cider - Check out some funny trivia about presidential turkey pardons.
Monday Lite: Late Night Jokes, Thanksgiving and TSA Cartoons - 22 Nov 2010
Funny Thanksgiving Quotes - Cheeky Quote Day! 25 Nov 2009
5 Funny Thanksgiving Quotes, Photos
Geeky Girl Gone Wild: Happy Thanksgiving Dance!
Editorial Cartoons Roundup 28 Nov 2009
And a few serious posts:
A Man In Love - A true story of just how far a man will go to survive when he is in love during war time. A Thanksgiving holiday poem.
A Prayer of Wisdom From An Unknown Confederate Soldier
How Does Gratitude Unlock the Fullness of Life?
111 Insightful Life Quotes
Emeril's Brined Turkey
Thanksgiving Food:
Chef Emeril Cooks Holiday Menu: 7 Delicious Recipes - Cook your holiday feast with favorite chef Emeril Lagasse.
6 Easy Turkey Thanksgiving Recipes and Gravy, Roasting Tips and Advice
8 Cajun Thanksgiving Turkey Recipes, BBQ Turkey, Deep Fry Turkey, Roasting Tips
Chicago Chef Jimmy Bannos Cajun Thanksgiving Menu of 12 Recipes
Chef Paul Deen: Easy Holiday Cola-Basted Ham, Cranberry Sauce - Check out a simple recipe that is always a bit hit with family and friends during the holiday season.
Chef Lidia Bastianich: Easy Italian Christmas Cookie Recipes - Chef Lidia Bastianich shares Italian holiday cookies from her childhood.
Martha Stewart Thanksgiving Recipes: Pumpkin Bread Pudding, Pumpkin Donut Muffins - Martha Stewart shares a couple of her holiday recipes of what else you can make with that iconic autumnal food: pumpkin.
Chef Thomas Keller: Thanksgiving Brunch Recipes - Check out one of best chefs in America and a wonderful brunch menu for the holidays.
Easy Holiday Pasta From Chef Michael Chiarello - Check out some easy holiday ideas using pasta to make a spectacular and tasty meal sure to impress everyone - 3 recipes.
Fall Comfort Food NYC Chef Style: Braised Osso Buco, Risotto, Salad - Check out how to make Italian comfort food in an hour, all done in the oven - 3 recipes.
Pumpkin Risotto, Crispy Bread Soffritto, and Pumpkin Chile Recipes
Unusual Exotic Thanksgiving Menu, Poll on Turkey Vs. Sides Debate
*** Feathered Turkey Photo by eye of einstein @ flickr
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
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The Social Poets - news, politics
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Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
From Denny: Funny Thanksgiving quotes, a funny Thanksgiving dance video, funny Thanksgiving cartoons, an hilarious post featuring fighting turkeys with captions, another funny post about the infamous Gluttony Pants now in holiday fashion - and lots of great food. What more could you ask for after a great meal while cruising the web? Uh... maybe a waist extender for my pants? Oh, yeah... but the food was soooo good! :)
And a few serious gratitude posts to round out the season...
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone, and hope you enjoy your holiday!
Funny posts:
Funny Holiday Fashion: Gluttony Pants - Get the latest holiday clothing to ensure comfortable holiday feasting.
21 Funny Thanksgiving Fighting Turkey Photos
Funny Thanksgiving Presidential Pardon 4 Turkeys Apple and Cider - Check out some funny trivia about presidential turkey pardons.
Monday Lite: Late Night Jokes, Thanksgiving and TSA Cartoons - 22 Nov 2010
Funny Thanksgiving Quotes - Cheeky Quote Day! 25 Nov 2009
5 Funny Thanksgiving Quotes, Photos
Geeky Girl Gone Wild: Happy Thanksgiving Dance!
Editorial Cartoons Roundup 28 Nov 2009
And a few serious posts:
A Man In Love - A true story of just how far a man will go to survive when he is in love during war time. A Thanksgiving holiday poem.
A Prayer of Wisdom From An Unknown Confederate Soldier
How Does Gratitude Unlock the Fullness of Life?
111 Insightful Life Quotes
Emeril's Brined Turkey
Thanksgiving Food:
Chef Emeril Cooks Holiday Menu: 7 Delicious Recipes - Cook your holiday feast with favorite chef Emeril Lagasse.
6 Easy Turkey Thanksgiving Recipes and Gravy, Roasting Tips and Advice
8 Cajun Thanksgiving Turkey Recipes, BBQ Turkey, Deep Fry Turkey, Roasting Tips
Chicago Chef Jimmy Bannos Cajun Thanksgiving Menu of 12 Recipes
Chef Paul Deen: Easy Holiday Cola-Basted Ham, Cranberry Sauce - Check out a simple recipe that is always a bit hit with family and friends during the holiday season.
Chef Lidia Bastianich: Easy Italian Christmas Cookie Recipes - Chef Lidia Bastianich shares Italian holiday cookies from her childhood.
Martha Stewart Thanksgiving Recipes: Pumpkin Bread Pudding, Pumpkin Donut Muffins - Martha Stewart shares a couple of her holiday recipes of what else you can make with that iconic autumnal food: pumpkin.
Chef Thomas Keller: Thanksgiving Brunch Recipes - Check out one of best chefs in America and a wonderful brunch menu for the holidays.
Easy Holiday Pasta From Chef Michael Chiarello - Check out some easy holiday ideas using pasta to make a spectacular and tasty meal sure to impress everyone - 3 recipes.
Fall Comfort Food NYC Chef Style: Braised Osso Buco, Risotto, Salad - Check out how to make Italian comfort food in an hour, all done in the oven - 3 recipes.
Pumpkin Risotto, Crispy Bread Soffritto, and Pumpkin Chile Recipes
Unusual Exotic Thanksgiving Menu, Poll on Turkey Vs. Sides Debate
*** Feathered Turkey Photo by eye of einstein @ flickr
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
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The Social Poets - news, politics
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Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts - my own best as well as links to other spiritual posts from all viewpoints
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
Labels: world-news, news, US, politics, funny
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