From Denny: Does it get any more surreal? First a strange midterm shellacking election where our White House has their head stuck in the sand refusing to hear the truth from everyday Americans. Team Obama continues to set this grand agenda on the world stage while ignoring the 800-pound gorilla in the room: the world economy and going about the hard business of creating jobs by the millions.
After Obama and my Democrats got their election shellacking Obama goes off on a world tour expecting to come home with lots of goodies. He started off well in India but it was downhill after that. South Korea got greedy and backed up on their trade deal. (BTW, make sure to boycott Korean products like Hyundai.) Then China, Germany and Japan proceeded to lecture Obama for daring to prop up his own economy. How dare he do that, they said. These other nations prop up their economies, devalue their currencies, conduct trade dumping and they have the nerve to lecture America? Come on.
Europe is going to implode the world economy faster than our Republicans will achieve it by their stupid legislation or refusal to vote for smart legislation. How? When you don't put money into an economy you keep chasing your break-even line down the rabbit hole. You have to spend money to support an economy. When people cut too many expenses or save for too long there is no money to work the economy. It's like starting to wean the oil for your car and then eventually refuse to add new oil to your car. Then it's no wonder the engine blows up. It's the same with an economy.
Oh, Obama received a second shellacking this week - from House and Senate Democrats furious with him for acting like a corporate politician. There was plenty of heated discussion on Friday during that meeting. Unless Obama "gets it" and fires most of Team Obama he is a Lame Duck President. He will go down in history as one of our worst presidents if he doesn't change course and start governing, get aggressive and consistent and frequent with his message. Democrats are already looking elsewhere to push Obama aside and run someone else for 2012.
After two years of trying to defend this President I'm as exhausted as that black woman who stood up at a town hall meeting and told Obama the same. You just can't keep defending someone who refuses to be teachable - especially someone who simply will not accept wisdom or listen to his base. These are tough times and a real leader sides with the people, not with Big Business - the same Big Business working overtime to destroy his presidency. How lame is that?
Obama and the Ugly Dance with the Republicans:
Obama tries to get the Russians signed back up on the nuclear START treaty. All the Republicans want to do is increase our nuke arsenal - and say "No!" to world peace - as well as keeping up with the world's nukes through inspections. At the rate the Republicans are so destructive they will one day succeed in blowing up the world - if the religious terrorists don't beat them to the claim to fame...
Republicans getting bashed by their own Tea Party into doing the right thing: banning those idiot and costly earmarks placed on legislation - anonymously and late at night - when lawmakers don't know about it. Talk about sneaky and under-handed. Earmarks do need to be outlawed. The Big However is to look closely at the new name the Republicans will give the old earmarks. They want a way to pay back their political cronies:
Of course, and then there are those now infamous Bush Tax Cuts that are truthfully 30 percent of our deficit. The Rebpublicans want to make those tax cuts permanent. Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and the military defense spending make up the rest of the 65 percent of the budget. There is really only 5 percent to argue over when it comes to the budget deficit - unless we lose the Bush Tax Cuts to the rich that are currently adding $700 billion to the debt every year:
More Bush cartoons about the ugly reality of promoting torture:
Finally "draining the swamp" over at the House on Pelosi's watch, dealing with unethical behavior and personal gain while in office. Note that the Republicans have refused to deal with their unethical members cheating the public:
Hang in there, Nancy. We women always seem to have to jump through more hoops than any other group in America just to grab an opportunity. Forget about the effort it takes to hold onto one when we have done an outstanding job like Pelosi who delivered 300 pieces of legislation. Senator Reid and the Senate Democrats choked and only delivered on one.
That's right, one: health care "reform." After the Senate Democrats, and Obama who took out the public option, got through watering down that bill to please Big Health Insurance it was rendered virtually useless to the American people - and now more expensive. The only good it achieved was to help sick children and people with pre-existing conditions heartlessly denied by the insurance companies:
Nothing like being a woman in politics - and a Democrat. It's open season on the Ugly Witch cartoons:
The rising rage over those controversial radiating airport scanners. We have so much more we can use than this potential cancer risk for millions:
Obama's Asian trip started off well in India and went downhill from there. Especially when South Korea embarrassed him on the international stage by getting greedy and backing up on the trade deal that was supposed to be sealed before Obama arrived:
And this is what happens when you are a "Stylin' and Profilin'" Do-Nothing President. Team Obama is so over-protective of Obama's image they are killing it in America and abroad. Heaven forbid Obama listen to the thousands of liberals and progressives trying to warn him the past two years that he was off course and would he please save his presidency.
All Obama did was listen to his Cheney Co-President Axelrod to tell him what to do and what to think and how to think it. Will this President ever become his own man? Right now, especially after this disastrous Asian trip to sell American products overseas, it sure doesn't look like Obama is doing his own thinking.
The new Lame Duck Congress:
Breaking cigarette addiction. Look at it this way: when you quit smoking cigarettes you get to "stick it to The Man" of Big Business and Big Tobacco. Now that's worth it for the smug satisfaction!
American sport of football and our vacillating athletes who just can't give it up when they hit middle age. It's like it's an addiction:
And the most fun Americans have had since they don't remember when: TSA Pat Downs, the new politically correct name for public sexual assault sanctioned by our government:
Happy Thanksgiving!
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